[1] 谷物加工过程成分间互作机制研究
[2] 高光谱成像智能化检测技术研究及应用
[3] 营养递送体系的构建及产品设计
[1] 天津市科技计划项目:全谷物杂粮面条生产技术及设备开发,2019-2021,参与。
[2] 宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划项目:黄花菜高值化加工利用关键技术研究与配套装备研制及推广,2019-2021,参与。
[1] Zhang Y F,Chen C,Chen Y & Chen Y*.Effect of rice protein on the water mobility,water migration and microstructure of rice starch during retrogradation.Food Hydrocolloids,2019,91:136-142.
[2] Zhang Y F,Chen C,Wang N,Chen Y,Yu J J,Zheng X C,Li S H & Chen Y*.Developing a new modification technology of oat flour based on differential pressure explosion puffing.LWT-food Science and Technology,2021,141:110967.
[3] Zhang Y F,Yang T L,Chen C,Wang J K,Qiang S Q,Zhou J J,Li S H & Chen Y*.Effects of high temperature,high humidity,and cold storage on structure and qualities of whole oat flour noodles during processing.Journal of Food Science,2023,88:83-93.
[4] Zhang Y F,Yang T L,Yue D H,Shao X & Chen Y*.Cold plasma-assisted buckwheat grain dehulling and farinographical properties of dehulled buckwheat flour.Journal of Cereal Science,2023,112:103716.
[5] Chen Y,Zhang Y F,Jiang L,Chen G Y,Yu J J,Li S H & Chen Y*.Moisture molecule migration and quality changes of fresh wet noodles dehydrated by cold plasma treatment.Food Chemistry,2020,328:127053.
[6] Yu J J,Zhang Y F,Yan J,Li S H & Chen Y*.A novel glycoprotein emulsion using high-denatured peanut protein and sesbania gum via cold plasma for encapsulation of β-carotene.Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies,2021,74:102840.
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Email: zhangyifu@tust.edu.cn